Protect Your Silage and Hay

It can harm your farming operation if your silage and hay are not properly protected. GEM Silage Products provides high-quality silage and hay products along with industry knowledge so your farm can continue to thrive.

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Preserve Your Quality Forage,
With Less Waste.

If your silage or hay is exposed to oxygen and the elements, it can reduce the quality of your products. While cheap, recycled plastics provide initial savings, they are ineffective in blocking oxygen and will cost you more in the long run.

At GEM Silage Products, we understand how important it is to protect your silage and hay, which is why we provide effective products such as high-quality bunker covers, silage bags and GEM Dust, our in-house mold inhibitor. We are also committed to providing education and knowledge on silage management to help you produce better silage.

So if you have been looking for a way to improve your crops, contact GEM Silage today.

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    Protect your hay from mold without the damaging effects of acid.

    Learn More

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    Corn Seed

    Maximize your yield and get the most out of your corn crops with Thunder Seed. 

    Learn More

Grow with GEM
Silage Products


Place Your Order
If you are in need of hay and silage products, you can phone or email GEM Silage with your order. We will take the time to ensure that you receive the right products to protect your crop.


Pick Up or get it Delivered
You can pick up your order at one of our six locations across Canada, or we can even arrange to deliver your silage and hay products to you.


Protect AND Preserve Your pRoducts
With your GEM Silage Products, you can keep your silage and hay properly protected and preserved to maintain your crop’s quality


Upcoming EVents

Visit the GEM Silage team and connect with the AG community on location at these upcoming events.


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Frequently Asked Silage and Hay Questions

What are GEM Silage’s products made of?

To ensure durability and the best protection of your hay and silage, our products are made with new or "virgin" plastic.

How thick are your silage covers/tarps?

Our silage covers are 5 mil. They have the highest dart strength in the industry and are Silage Grade, which means you can walk on them, even in the winter, without them cracking or breaking.

What colour is your bale wrap?

GEM Silage Products stock white and green bale wrap.

At what moisture can I bale with Gem Dust Plus?

Gem Dust Plus is registered effective at 18-25% moisture when protecting your hay from mold.

How do I set my Gandy Applicator?

It is recommended that you set the cam gauge on the Gandy Forage Additive Applicator at 12 and run 3 hoses.

How do GEM’s bunker covers work?

GEM Silage Products’ bunker covers are designed to reduce spoilage using multi-layer covering techniques. The combination of an Up North Plastics® 2 mil Silage Shield with 5 mil bunker covers gives you an airtight seal.

How much Gem Dust do I use?

One 20 kg pail will treat 90 tons of forage (approx. 110-115, 1600 lb bales).

How many wraps do I need with Gem Net Wrap?

We recommend 2-3 wraps for silage, 3-4 wraps for hay and 4-5 wraps for straw.

What is Silage Shield?

Silage Shield is a 2 mil oxygen barrier that goes under the silage cover (tarp) and creates an air-tight seal for quality silage.

How do I order?

To make an order, you can email sales(at) or call 403-342-7522 or 1-888-552-5505. Our friendly staff will take your order or let you know where your nearest dealer is located.

Find SILAGE and HAY Products Across Canada

RED DEER, AB (Head Office)
253 Burnt Park Drive
Red Deer County, AB T4S 0K7

Lethbridge, AB
2215-39th St. North
Lethbridge, AB T1H 5JI

Corman Park, SK
6 Prospect Road
Corman Park, SK S7R 0H5

555 Hendersen Drive
Regina, SK S4N 5X1

50 Limestone Rd
Brandon, MB R7A 7L5


Enviro Eze Warehousing Inc
7201 Line 86,
Wallenstein, ON N0B 2S0

"Great service and people. Someone always answers the phone and has time to answer any questions."

John H

"Gem Net Wrap is the only brand that works in my baler without binding. Good quality and value."

Jessie M

"They always have the sizes we need!!"

Chad S

"Beautiful new location. Helpful staff and always inventory on hand."

Andrew S

"Great quality product, and they always have what we need in stock. Prices are hard to beat, and very friendly staff."

Steve B

"The silage tarps do not tear or crack in the dead of winter."

Trent J

"The staff is very friendly and helpful. They always have inventory in stock or can get it very quickly."

Josh K